We compiled a list of WePower ICO Review websites and discussed a brief analysis of their business activity relative to ours (which is described in our white paper and offer, both here.)
WePower ICO Review Compendium
Here is a list of them:
We have a look at the space that they are in relative to our work tokenizing the renewable energy space. This passage may be found on pages 26-27 of the Sun Fund White Paper, downloadable at www.SunFund.io. This is not a comprehensive WePower ICO Review but it does give a sense of the space they are in.
Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading. Most companies are focusing on P2P energy trading and sales between retail energy consumers and energy suppliers/producers. Companies in this sector include Power Ledger, Grid+, Conjoule, Suncontract, Drift, Greeneum, Electron and We Power. About half of these companies are developing their own blockchain technology and the other half are using the Ethereum platform. Sun Fund has made a strategic decision not to compete in this sector because the ability to scale up a retail P2P energy trading network in a developed country such as the United States would require excessive legal, regulatory and marketing resources with highly uncertain outcomes.
1. Highly regulated monopoly utility markets in developed economies. Many of these markets do not permit P2P energy trading because the only permitted electricity seller is the local utility.
2. Even fewer markets permit virtual net metering in the United States, a program that is required for prosumers to buy and sell electricity. For example, the typical net metering policy with US utilities if it is permitted allows customers to net their electricity usage against their monthly solar production. However, any excess energy is purchased only by the utility at wholesale avoided cost rates.
3. We do not wish to compete in retail electricity brokerage markets. Customer acquisition costs are extremely high and margins are constantly under pressure.
4. Existing electricity brokers [incumbents] can use the same blockchain technologies to provide the same projected pricing discounts.
We hope that youll go through these and any other materials as you compile your best, most objective WePower ICO review: The one that you compile from all of them to distil the truth.
Also: Don’t discount directly reading white papers and visiting websites to see which reviewers are accurate.